Unc Charlotte Academic Calendar 2024: Everything You Need To Know

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UNC Charlotte academic calendar for the year 2024 has been released and it’s time for students to start planning their schedules. The academic calendar is an important document that outlines important dates for the academic year, including the start and end of classes, holidays, and exam periods. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information about the academic calendar for UNC Charlotte’s 2024 academic year.

When Does the Academic Year Start and End?

The academic year at UNC Charlotte typically starts in mid-August and ends in early May. For the year 2024, classes will begin on August 19th and end on May 3rd. This includes a fall semester, a spring semester, and a summer session.

What Are the Important Dates to Remember?

There are several important dates to remember for the academic year 2024 at UNC Charlotte. Some of the key dates include:

  • August 19th – First day of classes for the fall semester
  • September 2nd – Labor Day holiday
  • November 27th-29th – Thanksgiving holiday
  • December 9th-13th – Final exams for the fall semester
  • January 13th – First day of classes for the spring semester
  • March 9th-13th – Spring break
  • April 27th-May 3rd – Final exams for the spring semester

What About the Summer Session?

The summer session at UNC Charlotte typically includes two sessions, a Maymester and a regular summer session. The exact dates for the summer session have not been released yet, but they will be available on the academic calendar once they are released. The Maymester session typically starts in late May and lasts for three weeks, while the regular summer session starts in early June and ends in late July.

What Happens During Exam Periods?

Exam periods are an important part of the academic calendar at UNC Charlotte. During these periods, students take final exams for each of their courses. The exam periods for the fall semester will be held from December 9th-13th, while the exam periods for the spring semester will be held from April 27th-May 3rd. It’s important for students to plan accordingly and make sure they have enough time to prepare for their exams.

What Are the Holidays and Breaks?

There are several holidays and breaks throughout the academic year at UNC Charlotte. These breaks provide students with an opportunity to rest and recharge before returning to their studies. Some of the key holidays and breaks include Labor Day, Thanksgiving, winter break, spring break, and Memorial Day.

How Can Students Stay on Track?

To stay on track during the academic year, students should make sure they are familiar with the academic calendar and important dates. They should also create a schedule for themselves and stick to it. This will help them stay organized and ensure that they have enough time to complete all of their coursework.


The UNC Charlotte academic calendar for the year 2024 is an important document that provides students with all the necessary information they need to plan their schedules. It’s important for students to stay on top of important dates and to create a schedule for themselves to ensure they stay on track throughout the academic year. With the information provided in this article, students can get started on planning their schedules for the upcoming academic year.

Question and Answer

Q: When does the academic year start and end?

A: The academic year at UNC Charlotte typically starts in mid-August and ends in early May. For the year 2024, classes will begin on August 19th and end on May 3rd.

Q: What are the important dates to remember?

A: Some of the key dates include the first day of classes for the fall and spring semesters, Labor Day holiday, Thanksgiving holiday, and final exams for the fall and spring semesters.

Q: What happens during exam periods?

A: During exam periods, students take final exams for each of their courses.

Q: How can students stay on track?

A: Students should make sure they are familiar with the academic calendar and important dates, and create a schedule for themselves to ensure they stay on track throughout the academic year.

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