Tall Fescue Maintenance Calendar Nc 2024

2022 Lawn thread Post your pics, updates, questions, etc. Page 5
2022 Lawn thread Post your pics, updates, questions, etc. Page 5 from www.tigerdroppings.com


Tall fescue is a popular grass type for lawns in North Carolina due to its ability to withstand heat and drought. However, proper maintenance is crucial to keep your lawn healthy. This article will provide you with a maintenance calendar for tall fescue in NC for the year 2024.


During the winter months, the growth of tall fescue slows down. However, it is still important to keep the lawn clean of debris and to avoid foot traffic on frozen grass. If the ground is not frozen, you can apply a light fertilizer to support growth in the spring.


As the temperatures rise in the spring, it is time to start mowing your lawn. Set your mower blade to a height of 3-4 inches to promote healthy root growth. It is also important to water your lawn deeply once a week. If you notice any weeds, apply a selective herbicide to control them.


During the summer months, tall fescue can become stressed from heat and lack of water. Water your lawn deeply and infrequently to promote deep root growth. It is also important to raise your mower blade to 4-5 inches to provide shade for the soil and prevent moisture loss. Apply a slow-release fertilizer to keep your lawn healthy.


In the fall, it is time to prepare your lawn for the winter. Continue to mow your lawn at a height of 3-4 inches until the growth slows down. Apply a winterizer fertilizer to provide nutrients for the grass during the winter months. It is also a good time to aerate and overseed your lawn to promote healthy growth next spring.

Question and Answer

Q: How often should I water my tall fescue lawn?

A: Water your lawn deeply once a week, rather than frequent light watering. This promotes deep root growth and helps your lawn withstand drought.

Q: When should I apply fertilizer to my lawn?

A: Apply a light fertilizer in the winter, a slow-release fertilizer in the summer, and a winterizer fertilizer in the fall to provide nutrients for your lawn.

Q: How do I control weeds in my tall fescue lawn?

A: Apply a selective herbicide to control weeds in your lawn. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and avoid applying it during periods of drought or stress.


Proper maintenance is crucial to keep your tall fescue lawn healthy in North Carolina. Follow the maintenance calendar provided in this article to provide your lawn with the care it needs throughout the year. With the right care, your lawn will be lush and green for years to come.

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