St Martin's School Calendar 2024: Everything You Need To Know

Aisd School Calendar 2023 2024 Recette 2023
Aisd School Calendar 2023 2024 Recette 2023 from


As we enter the year 2023, it’s never too early to start planning for the upcoming academic year. St Martin’s School, a leading educational institution, has released its calendar for the year 2024. In this article, we will provide you with all the important dates and events listed in the calendar. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or student, this guide will ensure you stay on top of all the important events in the academic year 2024.

Key Dates

The calendar for St Martin’s School in 2024 includes several important dates. The academic year will begin on September 2, 2024, and end on June 21, 2025. There will be a total of 190 school days, with breaks for holidays and vacations. The school will be closed on public holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. In addition, there will be a mid-term break in October and a winter break in December.

Question: When will the academic year start?

The academic year at St Martin’s School will start on September 2, 2024.

Question: How many school days will there be in the academic year 2024?

There will be a total of 190 school days in the academic year 2024.

Events and Activities

St Martin’s School calendar 2024 is packed with various events and activities for the students. This includes sports events, cultural events, and academic competitions. The school will host an annual science fair, where students can showcase their science projects. There will also be a school-wide spelling bee competition, where students can compete against each other to become the school’s spelling champion. In addition, there will be music concerts and theatre productions throughout the academic year.

Question: Will there be any science fairs in St Martin’s School in 2024?

Yes, there will be an annual science fair in St Martin’s School in 2024.

Parent-Teacher Meetings

St Martin’s School calendar 2024 includes several parent-teacher meetings throughout the academic year. These meetings provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss the progress of the students. Parents can get updates on their child’s academic performance, behavior, and attendance. Teachers can use this time to discuss any concerns they may have and provide suggestions for improvement. These meetings are essential in ensuring that the students receive the support they need to succeed in school.

Question: Why are parent-teacher meetings important?

Parent-teacher meetings are important because they provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss the progress of the students, and ensure they receive the support they need to succeed in school.


St Martin’s School calendar 2024 is packed with various events and activities for the students. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or student, it’s important to stay on top of all the important dates and events listed in the calendar. We hope this guide has been helpful in providing you with all the information you need for the academic year 2024. With proper planning and preparation, we’re confident that the students at St Martin’s School will have a successful and fulfilling academic year ahead.

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