Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Calendar Raffle 2024

2022 Ducks Unlimited Calendar March Calendar 2022
2022 Ducks Unlimited Calendar March Calendar 2022 from marchmartinezcalendar.blogspot.com


Ducks Unlimited is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl habitats. They have been doing this work for over 80 years and have made a significant impact on the environment. One of their initiatives is the annual calendar raffle, which is a fundraiser that is held every year to support their conservation efforts. In this article, we will explore the Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Calendar Raffle 2024.

What is the Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Calendar Raffle?

The Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Calendar Raffle is an annual fundraising event that is organized by the Minnesota chapter of Ducks Unlimited. The raffle is held every year, and it offers participants a chance to win a variety of prizes, including hunting gear, firearms, and other outdoor equipment. The raffle is open to anyone who is 18 years or older.

How does the Calendar Raffle work?

The Calendar Raffle works by selling tickets that have a unique number on them. Each ticket represents a day of the year, and the winning numbers are chosen based on the Minnesota Lottery Daily 3. If your ticket number matches the winning number for that day, you win the prize that is associated with that day.

The Benefits of Participating in the Calendar Raffle

There are many benefits to participating in the Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Calendar Raffle. First and foremost, it is an excellent way to support the conservation efforts of Ducks Unlimited. The funds raised from the raffle go directly to support wetlands and waterfowl habitats, which are essential for the environment. Secondly, the raffle offers participants a chance to win some fantastic prizes. The prizes range from hunting gear to firearms, which are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Additionally, there are daily prizes of cash, which makes the raffle even more exciting.

How to Participate in the Calendar Raffle

Participating in the Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Calendar Raffle is easy. All you need to do is purchase a raffle ticket, which costs $50. Each ticket represents a day of the year, and there is no limit to the number of tickets you can purchase. Once you have your ticket, you will be entered into the raffle, and you will have a chance to win one of the many prizes.

FAQs about the Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Calendar Raffle

When does the raffle start?

The Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Calendar Raffle 2024 starts on January 1, 2024, and runs through December 31, 2024.

What are the prizes for the raffle?

The prizes for the raffle include hunting gear, firearms, and other outdoor equipment. Additionally, there are daily cash prizes.

How are the winning numbers chosen?

The winning numbers are chosen based on the Minnesota Lottery Daily 3.

How can I purchase a raffle ticket?

You can purchase a raffle ticket by visiting the Minnesota Ducks Unlimited website or by contacting a local chapter.

Is there a limit to the number of tickets I can purchase?

No, there is no limit to the number of tickets you can purchase.


The Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Calendar Raffle 2024 is an excellent way to support the conservation efforts of Ducks Unlimited while also having a chance to win some fantastic prizes. The raffle is open to anyone who is 18 years or older, and tickets are available for purchase on the Minnesota Ducks Unlimited website or by contacting a local chapter. So, why not participate in the raffle and support a great cause?

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