King County Family Law Motions Calendar 2024: What You Need To Know

What is an urgent family law motion? Watch Feldstein Family Law Group's
What is an urgent family law motion? Watch Feldstein Family Law Group's from


If you’re currently going through a family law case in King County, Washington, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the court’s motions calendar for 2024. The motions calendar is a schedule of hearings where parties can request temporary relief while their case is pending. In this article, we’ll discuss the important dates and deadlines you need to know, as well as answer some common questions about the process.

Important Dates

January 1, 2024

The first day of the year marks the start of the motions calendar for 2024. If you need temporary relief, you’ll need to file a motion with the court and attend a hearing on one of the available dates.

April 1, 2024

If you want to file a motion for temporary relief before the end of the year, this is the last day to do it. Keep in mind that it can take several weeks for the court to schedule a hearing, so don’t wait until the last minute.

October 1, 2024

This is the last day to request a hearing on the 2024 motions calendar. If you miss this deadline, you’ll have to wait until the following year to file a motion for temporary relief.

Common Questions

What types of cases are heard on the motions calendar?

The motions calendar is for family law cases that are pending in King County. This includes divorce, child custody, parenting plans, child support, spousal support, and domestic violence cases. If you need temporary relief while your case is pending, you can file a motion and request a hearing on the motions calendar.

How do I file a motion for temporary relief?

You’ll need to fill out a motion form and file it with the court. You’ll also need to serve a copy of the motion on the other party or their attorney. Once the court receives your motion, they will schedule a hearing on the motions calendar.

What happens at the hearing?

At the hearing, both parties will have the opportunity to present evidence and argue their case. The judge will then make a decision on whether to grant or deny the motion for temporary relief. If the motion is granted, the order will remain in effect until the final resolution of the case or until further order of the court.

Can I file more than one motion on the same issue?

You can file multiple motions on the same issue, but you’ll need to provide a good reason for doing so. If the court determines that you’re filing frivolous or unnecessary motions, they may impose sanctions against you.

What happens if I miss a deadline?

If you miss a deadline, you’ll need to wait until the following year to file a motion for temporary relief. It’s important to stay on top of the dates and deadlines to ensure that your case proceeds as smoothly as possible.


The King County Family Law Motions Calendar for 2024 is an important schedule to keep in mind if you’re going through a family law case in the area. By understanding the important dates and deadlines, as well as the process for filing a motion for temporary relief, you can ensure that your case proceeds as smoothly as possible. If you have any further questions or concerns, it’s always a good idea to consult with an experienced family law attorney.

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