How To Sync Notion Calendar With Google Calendar In 2024

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If you are looking for a powerful and flexible calendar tool for your personal or professional life, Notion is an excellent choice. With its customizable databases, templates, and integrations, you can create a personalized productivity hub that suits your needs and preferences. However, if you are already using Google Calendar as your main scheduling app, you may wonder how to sync your Notion calendar with it. In this article, we will guide you through the process and show you some tips and tricks to make the most of this integration.

Why Sync Notion Calendar with Google Calendar?

Before we dive into the technical details, let’s explore the benefits of combining Notion and Google Calendar. Here are some reasons why you might want to sync your calendars:

1. Consolidate Your Schedule

If you have multiple calendars for different purposes, such as work, family, hobbies, or projects, it can be challenging to manage them separately. By syncing your Notion calendar with Google Calendar, you can see all your events and tasks in one place and avoid double-booking or missing important deadlines.

2. Access Your Calendar Anywhere

Notion is a web-based app, which means you can access it from any device with an internet connection. However, if you want to check your schedule on the go, you may prefer to use a dedicated calendar app like Google Calendar, which has native mobile apps for iOS and Android. By syncing your Notion calendar with Google Calendar, you can have the best of both worlds and switch between them seamlessly.

3. Share Your Calendar with Others

If you work in a team or collaborate with clients or partners, you may need to share your calendar with them to coordinate your meetings and events. Google Calendar has robust sharing features that allow you to control the visibility and permissions of your calendar, such as inviting guests, setting reminders, or creating events on behalf of others. By syncing your Notion calendar with Google Calendar, you can leverage these features and streamline your communication.

How to Sync Notion Calendar with Google Calendar

Now that you know why you should sync your calendars, let’s see how to do it. There are several ways to integrate Notion and Google Calendar, depending on your preferences and requirements. Here are three methods to consider:

1. Use Third-Party Tools

One of the easiest and most popular ways to sync Notion and Google Calendar is to use third-party tools that act as bridges between them. Some examples of such tools are Zapier,, or Integromat. These tools allow you to create “Zaps,” “Bots,” or “Scenarios” that trigger actions in one app based on events in the other app. For example, you can set up a Zap that creates a Google Calendar event whenever you add a new task to your Notion calendar database. Or, you can create a Bot that adds a new Notion task whenever you receive an email with a specific label in Gmail. The possibilities are endless, and you can customize these workflows to fit your workflow.

2. Export and Import ICS Files

If you prefer a more manual approach, you can export your Notion calendar as an ICS (iCalendar) file and import it into Google Calendar. To do this, go to your Notion calendar, click on the three dots on the top right corner, and select “Export.” Choose the date range and format (ICS), and save the file to your computer. Then, go to your Google Calendar, click on the gear icon on the top right corner, and select “Settings.” Scroll down to “Import & Export” and click on “Import.” Choose the ICS file you just downloaded, and follow the prompts to map the fields and import the events. Note that this method may not sync your calendars in real-time, and you may need to repeat the process periodically to update your events.

3. Use Notion’s Google Calendar Integration

If you are a Notion Premium user, you can use the built-in Google Calendar integration to sync your calendars. To do this, go to your Notion workspace, click on the “Integrations” button on the left sidebar, and select “Google Calendar.” Follow the prompts to authorize Notion to access your Google account and select the calendars you want to sync. You can choose to import events from Google Calendar to Notion, export events from Notion to Google Calendar, or bidirectionally sync them. Note that this method requires a Notion Premium subscription and may have some limitations compared to third-party tools.

Tips and Tricks for Using Notion Calendar with Google Calendar

Now that you know how to sync your calendars, let’s explore some tips and tricks to make the most of this integration:

1. Use Color-Coding

Both Notion and Google Calendar allow you to assign colors to your events and calendars. By using a consistent color scheme, you can quickly identify the type or status of your events and avoid confusion. For example, you can use green for work-related events, blue for personal events, yellow for deadlines, and red for urgent tasks. You can also use different shades of the same color to indicate the priority or progress of your tasks.

2. Add Descriptions and Links

When you create an event in Notion or Google Calendar, you can add a description and a link to provide more context or resources. For example, you can write a summary of the meeting agenda, attach a file with the presentation slides, or link to a relevant article or website. By doing so, you can save time and avoid switching between apps or searching for information.

3. Set Reminders and Notifications

Both Notion and Google Calendar allow you to set reminders and notifications for your events and tasks. By doing so, you can ensure that you don’t forget or miss anything important. You can choose to receive notifications via email, push notification, or SMS, and customize the timing and frequency of the reminders. For example, you can set a reminder for 15 minutes before a meeting, a notification for a recurring task every Monday, or a deadline alert three days before a project is due.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I sync multiple Notion calendars with Google Calendar?

A: Yes, you can sync multiple Notion calendars with Google Calendar using third-party tools or Notion’s Google Calendar integration. However, note that some methods may have limitations or require additional configuration.

Q: Can I edit or delete events in Google Calendar if they were created in Notion?

A: Yes, you can edit or delete events in Google Calendar even if they were created in Notion, as long as you have the appropriate permissions and access. However, note that some changes may not be reflected in Notion or may cause conflicts if you have bidirectional syncing enabled.

Q: Can I use Notion’s calendar view with Google Calendar?

A: No, Notion’s calendar view is only available within Notion and cannot be exported or synced with Google Calendar. However, you can use Notion’s database view or list view to organize your events and tasks and sync them with Google Calendar.

Q: Can I sync Google Tasks with Notion Calendar?

A: Yes, you can sync Google Tasks with Notion Calendar using third-party tools or Notion’s Google Calendar integration. However, note that Google Tasks is a separate app from Google Calendar and may have different features and limitations.

With these tips and tricks, you can take your productivity to the next level by combining Notion and Google Calendar. Whether you are a freelancer, a student, or a busy parent, having a clear and organized schedule can help you achieve your goals and reduce stress. So go ahead and try these methods, and let us know in the comments which one works best for you!

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