How To Share Google Calendar With Iphone 2024

Come condividere un calendario di Google con altre persone su oggi
Come condividere un calendario di Google con altre persone su oggi from


Are you tired of constantly switching between your Google Calendar and iPhone calendar? Well, you’re in luck because in this article, we will guide you through the process of sharing your Google Calendar with your iPhone. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to access all your Google Calendar events on your iPhone with ease.

Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Download Google Calendar App

The first step is to download the Google Calendar app on your iPhone. Head to the App Store and search for ‘Google Calendar’. Once you find it, click ‘Install’. The app should begin downloading automatically.

Step 2: Login to Your Google Account

After downloading the app, open it and sign in to your Google account. If you don’t have one, create a Google account by clicking on the ‘Create Account’ button and follow the prompts.

Step 3: Share Your Google Calendar

After logging in to your account, click on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner. This will open up the menu. From the menu, select ‘Settings’. Then, select ‘Calendar settings’. From there, click on the calendar you want to share and select ‘Share this Calendar’. In the ‘Share with specific people’ section, add the email address of the person you want to share the calendar with. You can also choose the level of access you want to give to the person.

Step 4: Accept the Invitation

Once you’ve shared the calendar, the person you’ve shared it with will receive an email invitation. They’ll need to accept the invitation to access the calendar on their iPhone.

Step 5: Access Shared Calendar on iPhone

After accepting the invitation, the person can now access the shared calendar on their iPhone. They’ll need to open the Google Calendar app and tap on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner. From the menu, select ‘Settings’ and then click on the calendar you want to access. The shared calendar should now appear on the iPhone.


Q: Can I share multiple calendars with my iPhone?

A: Yes, you can share multiple calendars with your iPhone. Simply repeat the above steps for each calendar you want to share.

Q: Can I edit the shared calendar on my iPhone?

A: Yes, you can edit the shared calendar on your iPhone. However, the level of access you’ve been granted by the calendar owner will determine the extent of your editing capabilities.

Q: Can I remove a shared calendar from my iPhone?

A: Yes, you can remove a shared calendar from your iPhone. Simply go to the calendar settings on the Google Calendar app and click on the calendar you want to remove. Then, click on ‘Remove from this device’.


Sharing your Google Calendar with your iPhone is a simple process that can save you a lot of time and effort. By following the above steps, you can easily share your Google Calendar with your iPhone and access all your events in one place. We hope this tutorial has been helpful in assisting you to achieve this.

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