How To Delete An Event On Iphone Calendar 2024

How to add Facebook Events to iPhone calendar (and delete them too)
How to add Facebook Events to iPhone calendar (and delete them too) from


iPhone Calendar is a great tool for organizing your schedule. It allows you to create events, set reminders, and get notifications. However, sometimes you may need to delete an event. In this article, we will discuss how to delete an event on iPhone Calendar 2024.

Step 1: Open Calendar App

The first step to deleting an event on iPhone Calendar 2024 is to open the Calendar app. You can do this by tapping on the icon that looks like a calendar on your home screen.

Step 2: Find the Event

Once you have opened the Calendar app, you need to find the event that you want to delete. You can do this by scrolling through the calendar or by using the search function.

Step 3: Tap on the Event

When you have found the event, tap on it to open the details page. This page will show you all the information about the event, including the date, time, location, and any notes or attachments.

Step 4: Delete the Event

To delete the event, scroll down to the bottom of the details page and tap on the “Delete Event” button. A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the event. Tap “Delete” to confirm.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I recover a deleted event on iPhone Calendar 2024?

A: Unfortunately, once you have deleted an event on iPhone Calendar 2024, it cannot be recovered. Therefore, it is important to double-check before you delete an event to ensure that it is the right decision.

Q: Can I delete multiple events at once on iPhone Calendar 2024?

A: Yes, you can delete multiple events at once on iPhone Calendar 2024. To do this, go to the calendar view and tap “Edit” in the top right corner. Then, select the events that you want to delete and tap “Delete” at the bottom of the screen.

Q: Will deleting an event on iPhone Calendar 2024 also delete it from other devices?

A: If you have synced your iPhone Calendar with other devices, deleting an event on iPhone Calendar 2024 will also delete it from those devices. However, if you have only deleted the event on your iPhone, it will still be visible on other devices until you delete it there as well.


Deleting an event on iPhone Calendar 2024 is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. By following these steps, you can ensure that your calendar is up-to-date and accurate. Remember to double-check before you delete an event to avoid any mistakes.

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