How To Connect Notion Calendar To Google Calendar 2024

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notion and calendar from


Notion is a powerful productivity tool that has gained popularity in recent years. It allows you to organize your tasks, notes, and projects in one place. Google Calendar, on the other hand, is the most popular calendar app used by millions of people worldwide. In this article, we will guide you on how to connect Notion Calendar to Google Calendar 2024.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Export Notion Calendar

The first step is to export your Notion calendar. Go to the Notion app and click on the calendar icon on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on the three dots on the top right corner of the calendar and select “Export.”

Step 2: Import Calendar to Google Calendar

Open Google Calendar and click on the three dots on the left-hand side of the screen. Select “Settings and sharing” and click on “Import & export.” Select the file you exported from Notion and click on “Import.”

Step 3: Sync Google Calendar with Notion

Now that you have imported your Notion Calendar to Google Calendar, the next step is to sync the two calendars. Go to the “Settings” menu in Google Calendar and click on “Add calendar.” Select “From URL” and paste the link to your Notion Calendar. Click “Add Calendar,” and your Notion events will now appear in Google Calendar.


Q: Can I edit Notion events in Google Calendar?

A: No, you cannot edit Notion events in Google Calendar. You will have to make changes to the event in Notion and then re-export the calendar to Google Calendar.

Q: Can I sync Google Calendar with Notion on mobile?

A: Yes, you can sync Google Calendar with Notion on mobile. Follow the same steps as you would on a desktop computer.

Q: Will Notion events appear in real-time in Google Calendar?

A: No, Notion events will not appear in real-time in Google Calendar. You will have to manually sync the two calendars to ensure that the events are up-to-date.


Connecting Notion Calendar to Google Calendar 2024 is a simple process that can help you stay organized and on top of your tasks. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily sync your Notion events with Google Calendar and ensure that you never miss an important deadline or meeting.

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