How To Block Outlook Calendar From Others In 2024

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If you are someone who uses Outlook as their primary calendar, you might have faced situations where you want to keep your calendar private and not share it with others. This article will guide you through the steps to block your Outlook calendar from others in 2024.

Why Block Your Outlook Calendar?

Blocking your Outlook calendar is important for privacy reasons. If you have personal events or meetings scheduled, you don’t want others to know about them. It’s also important to keep your work-related events private from colleagues who might not need to know about them.

Steps to Block Your Outlook Calendar

Step 1: Open Your Outlook Calendar

The first step is to open your Outlook calendar. You can do this by clicking on the calendar icon in the bottom left corner of your screen.

Step 2: Click on “Calendar Permissions”

Once your calendar is open, click on the “Calendar Permissions” tab located at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Select “Default”

Under the “Calendar Permissions” tab, select “Default”. This will bring up a list of permissions that are currently in place for your calendar.

Step 4: Remove Permissions

To block your calendar from others, you need to remove the permissions that are currently in place. To do this, select each user or group that has access to your calendar and click on the “Remove” button.

Step 5: Add Yourself

To ensure that you still have access to your own calendar, add yourself to the list of users and groups with access. Simply click on the “Add” button, type in your name, and select your account.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I Block My Calendar from Specific Users?

A: Yes, you can block your calendar from specific users by following the same steps as above. Instead of selecting “Default”, select the specific user or group that you want to block and remove their permissions.

Q: Will Others Be Notified When I Block My Calendar?

A: No, others will not be notified when you block your calendar. However, they might notice that they no longer have access to your calendar if they try to view it.


Blocking your Outlook calendar is an important step in maintaining your privacy. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your calendar remains private and only accessible to you. Remember to add yourself to the list of users with access to your calendar to avoid being locked out of your own schedule.

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