How To Add Zoom Link To Calendar 2024

Zoom Meeting Scheduler Using SMS/Text Reminders GReminders
Zoom Meeting Scheduler Using SMS/Text Reminders GReminders from


In this year 2023, more and more people are using Zoom for online meetings, webinars, and other virtual events. One of the most important things to do when scheduling a Zoom event is to add the Zoom link to your calendar. This ensures that you and your attendees have easy access to the Zoom meeting room. In this article, we will guide you on how to add a Zoom link to your calendar for the year 2024.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Schedule Your Zoom Meeting

The first step is to schedule your Zoom meeting. This can be done by logging in to your Zoom account and selecting “Schedule a Meeting” from the home screen. Fill in the details of your meeting, such as the date, time, and duration. You can also customize your meeting settings, such as enabling a waiting room or requiring a password.

Step 2: Generate the Zoom Link

Once you have scheduled your meeting, you can generate the Zoom link. This link is unique to your meeting and allows attendees to join the virtual room. To generate the link, click on “Copy the invitation” and select “Copy Invitation” from the dropdown menu. This will copy the Zoom link to your clipboard.

Step 3: Add the Zoom Link to Your Calendar

To add the Zoom link to your calendar, open your calendar application and create a new event. Fill in the details of the event, such as the title, date, and time. Then, paste the Zoom link into the description or notes section of the event. This will ensure that the Zoom link is easily accessible for you and your attendees.


Q: Can I add a Zoom link to any calendar application?

A: Yes, you can add a Zoom link to any calendar application that allows you to add descriptions or notes to events. This includes popular applications such as Google Calendar, Outlook, and Apple Calendar.

Q: Do I need to generate a new Zoom link for each meeting?

A: Yes, it is recommended to generate a new Zoom link for each meeting. This ensures that only the attendees of that specific meeting have access to the virtual room.

Q: Can I customize the Zoom link?

A: Yes, you can customize the Zoom link by editing the meeting settings. This includes adding a personal link or changing the meeting ID.


Adding a Zoom link to your calendar can save you and your attendees time and hassle. Follow these simple steps to ensure that your Zoom meetings run smoothly and efficiently. If you have any further questions or concerns, consult the Zoom help center or contact their customer support team.

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