How Many Months In Ethiopian Calendar 2024?

2024 Ethiopia Calendar with Holidays
2024 Ethiopia Calendar with Holidays from

The Ethiopian Calendar

The Ethiopian calendar, also known as the Ge’ez calendar, is a calendar system used in Ethiopia. The calendar is based on the ancient Coptic calendar, which was used in Egypt. The Ethiopian calendar is unique in that it has 13 months instead of the 12 months in the Gregorian calendar. The calendar starts on September 11 or 12 in the Gregorian calendar, depending on the year.

The Months in the Ethiopian Calendar

The 13 months in the Ethiopian calendar are named after the 12 apostles and one additional month called Pagume. The months are:

  • Meskerem
  • Tikimt
  • Hidar
  • Tahsas
  • Tir
  • Yekatit
  • Megabit
  • Miazia
  • Genbot
  • Sene
  • Hamle
  • Nehase
  • Pagume

How Many Months in Ethiopian Calendar 2024?

In 2024, the Ethiopian calendar will start on September 12 in the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, the 13 months in the Ethiopian calendar for 2024 will be:

  • Meskerem
  • Tikimt
  • Hidar
  • Tahsas
  • Tir
  • Yekatit
  • Megabit
  • Miazia
  • Genbot
  • Sene
  • Hamle
  • Nehase
  • Pagume

Question and Answer

Q: Why does the Ethiopian calendar have 13 months?

A: The Ethiopian calendar has 13 months because it is based on the ancient Coptic calendar, which had 13 months. The 13th month, Pagume, is added every four years to account for the extra day in a leap year.

Q: What is the significance of the names of the months in the Ethiopian calendar?

A: The months in the Ethiopian calendar are named after the 12 apostles and one additional month called Pagume. The names have religious significance and reflect the influence of Christianity in Ethiopia.

Q: Is the Ethiopian calendar used outside of Ethiopia?

A: The Ethiopian calendar is primarily used in Ethiopia, but it is also used by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and by some Ethiopian communities living abroad.

Q: How does the Ethiopian calendar compare to the Gregorian calendar?

A: The Ethiopian calendar is 7 years and 8 months behind the Gregorian calendar. For example, September 12, 2023 in the Gregorian calendar is equivalent to Meskerem 2, 2016 in the Ethiopian calendar.

Q: How is the Ethiopian calendar calculated?

A: The Ethiopian calendar is based on the Coptic calendar, which is believed to have been introduced by Saint Mark, one of the four evangelists of the Christian faith. The calendar is calculated based on the solar and lunar cycles and takes into account the movements of the sun and the moon.


The Ethiopian calendar is a unique system that has been in use for centuries. It has 13 months and starts on September 11 or 12 in the Gregorian calendar. In 2024, the Ethiopian calendar will have 13 months, starting on September 12 in the Gregorian calendar. The names of the months have religious significance and reflect the influence of Christianity in Ethiopia. While primarily used in Ethiopia, the calendar is also used by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and by some Ethiopian communities living abroad.

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