House And Senate Calendar 2024 – A Guide For The Upcoming Year

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House and Senate Calendar 2024 – A Guide for the Upcoming Year


The year 2024 is an important year for the United States Congress. It marks the start of a new session and a new set of legislative priorities. The House of Representatives and the Senate have released their calendars for the upcoming year, and it’s important for citizens to understand what’s on the agenda. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the House and Senate calendars for 2024 and what they mean for the future of our country.

House of Representatives Calendar

What is the House of Representatives Calendar?

The House of Representatives Calendar is a schedule of legislative activity for the lower chamber of Congress. It outlines when the House will be in session, when committees will meet, and when important legislation will be considered. The 2024 House Calendar was released on January 1st, 2024 and includes 140 legislative days.

What’s on the Agenda?

The House of Representatives has a busy year ahead. Some of the key issues on the agenda include healthcare reform, climate change legislation, and infrastructure spending. In addition, the House will also be focused on passing a budget for the fiscal year 2025 and confirming new appointments to the federal judiciary.

Senate Calendar

What is the Senate Calendar?

The Senate Calendar is a schedule of legislative activity for the upper chamber of Congress. It outlines when the Senate will be in session, when committees will meet, and when important legislation will be considered. The 2024 Senate Calendar was released on January 1st, 2024 and includes 160 legislative days.

What’s on the Agenda?

The Senate will also be busy in 2024. Some of the key issues on the agenda include tax reform, immigration reform, and gun control legislation. In addition, the Senate will also be focused on confirming new appointments to the federal judiciary and considering new trade agreements.

Question and Answer

Q: What is the difference between the House and Senate Calendars?

A: The House and Senate Calendars are similar in that they both outline when the chambers will be in session and when important legislation will be considered. However, the House and Senate have different legislative priorities, so their calendars will reflect those differences.

Q: Why is it important to understand the House and Senate Calendars?

A: It’s important to understand the House and Senate Calendars because they provide insight into the legislative priorities of Congress. By understanding what’s on the agenda, citizens can stay informed and engaged with the legislative process.

Q: How can I stay informed about legislative activity in Congress?

A: There are several ways to stay informed about legislative activity in Congress. You can sign up for email updates from your representative or senator, follow their social media accounts, or visit the official websites of the House of Representatives and the Senate.


The House and Senate Calendars for 2024 provide a roadmap for the legislative priorities of Congress. As citizens, it’s important to stay informed and engaged with the legislative process. By understanding what’s on the agenda, we can hold our elected officials accountable and work towards a better future for our country.

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