Every Other Weekend Custody Calendar 2024: A Guide For Co-Parents

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5 2 2 5 Parenting Schedule Template Portal Tutorials from guide.marcovacation.com


As a co-parent, creating a custody schedule can be a challenging and emotional process. One of the most common custody arrangements is every other weekend. In this article, we will provide a guide for co-parents creating an every other weekend custody calendar for the year 2024.

What is an Every Other Weekend Custody Calendar?

An every other weekend custody calendar is a schedule where one parent has custody of the child every other weekend. Typically, this means the child spends Friday night until Sunday evening with one parent and the rest of the time with the other parent.

Why is a Custody Calendar Important?

A custody calendar is important because it helps parents plan their schedules and ensures that both parents have quality time with their child. It also helps to reduce conflict and confusion by outlining a clear schedule for the child’s care.

Creating a Custody Calendar

Step 1: Determine the Custody Schedule

The first step in creating a custody calendar is to determine the custody schedule. For an every other weekend schedule, this means one parent has custody every other weekend.

Step 2: Add Holidays and Special Occasions

Next, add holidays and special occasions to the calendar. This can include birthdays, holidays, and family vacations. Be sure to consider any traditions or events that are important to your family.

Step 3: Consider School Schedules

It’s important to consider school schedules when creating a custody calendar. This means considering school breaks, parent-teacher conferences, and any extracurricular activities.

Step 4: Account for Travel Time

If one parent lives out of town, it’s important to account for travel time in the custody calendar. This can include travel time for the child and for the parents.

Question and Answer

Q: What if I Need to Change the Custody Schedule?

A: If you need to change the custody schedule, it’s important to communicate with the other parent. Try to come to a mutual agreement and make any necessary changes to the custody calendar. It’s important to be flexible and considerate of each other’s schedules.

Q: What if the Other Parent is Uncooperative?

A: If the other parent is uncooperative, it’s important to seek legal advice. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and work towards a resolution that is in the best interest of the child.


Creating an every other weekend custody calendar can be a challenging process, but it’s important to ensure that both parents have quality time with their child. By following the steps outlined in this article and being flexible and communicative with the other parent, you can create a custody schedule that works for everyone involved.

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