Does Google Calendar Delete Old Events In 2024?

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Google Calendar is a useful tool for managing and organizing events and schedules. However, many users have raised concerns about whether Google Calendar deletes old events in the year 2024. In this article, we will look into this issue and provide some insights on what happens to old events in Google Calendar.

What Happens to Old Events in Google Calendar?

Google Calendar stores all events indefinitely unless you delete them manually. This means that you can access all your past events in Google Calendar, including those from 2024 and earlier. However, Google has put some limits on the number of events that can be displayed in the calendar view. By default, Google Calendar displays events from the past two years and events from the future one year. This means that if you want to view events from 2024, you will need to adjust the calendar view settings to show events from that year.

What Happens if You Reach the Calendar Limits?

If you reach the calendar limits, Google Calendar will automatically remove the oldest events to make room for new ones. This means that if you have a lot of events in your calendar, some of the older ones may be deleted to accommodate new ones. However, it is important to note that Google Calendar will not delete events that are marked as important or have reminders set. These events will be kept in the calendar even if they are older than the default two-year limit.

How to Keep Your Old Events in Google Calendar

If you want to keep all your old events in Google Calendar, there are a few things you can do. Firstly, you can change the calendar view settings to show events from a longer period. You can do this by clicking on the settings icon in the top right corner of the calendar and selecting “Settings”. From there, you can adjust the settings to show events from a longer period. Another option is to export your old events to a separate calendar or file. This way, you can keep all your old events without cluttering up your main calendar. To do this, go to “Settings” and select “Export” to save your events in a file format of your choice.

Question and Answer

Q: Will Google Calendar delete my old events in 2024?

A: No, Google Calendar will not delete your old events unless you reach the calendar limits. However, events that are older than the default two-year limit may not be displayed in the calendar view.

Q: How can I keep my old events in Google Calendar?

A: You can keep your old events in Google Calendar by changing the calendar view settings to show events from a longer period or by exporting your old events to a separate calendar or file.


In conclusion, Google Calendar does not delete old events in 2024 unless you reach the calendar limits. However, you may need to adjust the calendar view settings to view events from that year. If you want to keep all your old events, you can change the settings or export them to a separate calendar or file. Overall, Google Calendar is a powerful tool for managing your schedule and events, and with the right settings, you can keep all your important events organized and accessible.

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