Chapel Hill Public Schools Calendar 2024: Everything You Need To Know

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Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Calendar 20222023 February from


If you’re a parent or student in the Chapel Hill area, you’re probably already thinking about the upcoming school year. The Chapel Hill public schools calendar for 2024 has just been released, and we’ve got all the information you need to plan ahead. Whether you’re looking for important dates or want to know more about the school system, we’ve got you covered.

When Does the School Year Start?

The first day of school for Chapel Hill public schools in 2024 is August 26th. This is a Wednesday, so students will have a short week to start off the year. If you’re a parent, make sure you mark this date on your calendar so you can plan accordingly.

What Are the Major Holidays?

The Chapel Hill public schools calendar includes several major holidays throughout the year. The first major holiday is Labor Day, which falls on September 2nd. Students will have the day off from school, so it’s a great time to plan a family vacation or a day trip. The next major holiday is Thanksgiving, which falls on November 28th. Students will have the entire week off from school, so it’s a great time to spend time with family and friends.

What About Winter Break?

Winter break for Chapel Hill public schools in 2024 begins on December 23rd and ends on January 6th. This is a great time for students to relax and recharge before the second half of the school year begins.

Spring Break

Spring break for Chapel Hill public schools in 2024 begins on March 16th and ends on March 20th. This is a great time for students to take a break from school and enjoy some time off. It’s also a popular time for families to plan vacations or day trips.

Graduation Dates

Graduation dates for Chapel Hill public schools in 2024 have not yet been announced. However, they typically take place in late May or early June. If you have a senior in your family, make sure you keep an eye out for graduation dates so you can plan accordingly.

What About Professional Development Days?

Professional development days are an important part of the school year for teachers and staff. In 2024, Chapel Hill public schools will have several professional development days throughout the year. These days are typically scheduled on weekdays when students do not have school.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do I Need to Know About Enrolling My Child in Chapel Hill Public Schools?

Enrolling your child in Chapel Hill public schools is a straightforward process. You’ll need to provide proof of residency, your child’s birth certificate, and a copy of their immunization records. You can find more information on the Chapel Hill public schools website.

What Are the School Hours?

School hours vary depending on the grade level and school. Elementary schools typically start around 8:00 am and end around 3:00 pm. Middle and high schools typically start around 7:30 am and end around 2:30 pm. You can find more information on the Chapel Hill public schools website.

What Are My Child’s Transportation Options?

Chapel Hill public schools offer transportation for students who live within a certain distance from their school. This includes bus transportation and carpool options. You can find more information on the Chapel Hill public schools website.


The Chapel Hill public schools calendar for 2024 is packed with important dates and holidays. Whether you’re a parent or student, it’s important to plan ahead so you can make the most of the school year. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to visit the Chapel Hill public schools website or reach out to school administrators.

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