Can You Bcc Calendar Invites 2024?

Sending a calendar invite to bcc list on Outlook calendar on browser
Sending a calendar invite to bcc list on Outlook calendar on browser from

Can You Bcc Calendar Invites 2024?


Calendar invites are an essential part of our daily lives, particularly for scheduling meetings, events, and appointments. However, there are situations where you might need to keep certain invitees anonymous. This is where the Bcc (blind carbon copy) feature comes in handy. In this article, we will explore whether it is possible to Bcc calendar invites in the year 2024.

What is Bcc?

Bcc is a feature that allows you to send an email to multiple recipients without revealing the identity of the other recipients. This is useful when you want to maintain the privacy of your contacts or prevent a reply-all situation.

Can You Bcc Calendar Invites?

The short answer is no. Currently, there is no option to Bcc calendar invites in popular email clients such as Gmail, Outlook, or Apple Mail. When you send a calendar invite, all the recipients can see who else has been invited, including their email addresses.

Why Can’t You Bcc Calendar Invites?

The reason why you can’t Bcc calendar invites is that they are not considered as emails. Calendar invites are sent through a separate protocol called iCalendar or .ics. This protocol is used to exchange calendar information between different email clients and calendar apps. It doesn’t have the same features as email, such as the ability to Bcc recipients.

Alternatives to Bcc Calendar Invites

1. Create Separate Invites

If you need to keep certain invitees anonymous, you can create separate invites for them. This means that you will have to send multiple invites, one for each group of recipients. However, this can be time-consuming and may clutter up your calendar.

2. Use a Third-Party Tool

There are third-party tools that allow you to send anonymous calendar invites. These tools work by creating a temporary email address for each recipient and forwarding the invite to them. This way, the other recipients won’t be able to see their email addresses. However, these tools may not be compatible with all email clients and may require a subscription fee.

3. Use a Shared Calendar

Another option is to use a shared calendar instead of sending individual invites. This way, all the invitees can see the event details without revealing each other’s email addresses. You can create a shared calendar in Google Calendar, Outlook, or other calendar apps.


While it is not possible to Bcc calendar invites in 2024, there are alternative methods that you can use to maintain the privacy of your contacts. Whether you choose to create separate invites, use a third-party tool, or a shared calendar, it’s important to consider the privacy implications of your actions. By taking a few extra steps, you can ensure that your calendar invites are secure and confidential.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I Bcc calendar invites in the future?

A: It’s hard to predict whether Bcc calendar invites will be possible in the future. However, it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon as the iCalendar protocol doesn’t have the capability to support Bcc.

Q: Is it legal to send anonymous calendar invites?

A: Yes, it is legal to send anonymous calendar invites as long as you don’t use them for illegal activities or to harass someone. However, it’s important to respect the privacy of your contacts and to use anonymous invites responsibly.

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