Calendar Man: Suicide Squad 2 (2024)

New The Suicide Squad Teaser Reveals First Look at Calendar Man
New The Suicide Squad Teaser Reveals First Look at Calendar Man from

The Return of Calendar Man

Calendar Man, the supervillain known for his obsession with dates and holidays, is set to return to the big screen in Suicide Squad 2 (2024). The character first appeared in Batman #259 in 1974 and has since made several appearances in various Batman comics and media adaptations.

Calendar Man, also known as Julian Day, is a former accountant turned criminal who uses his knowledge of dates and holidays to plan his crimes. He is often depicted as a sadistic and calculating villain who enjoys manipulating his victims and the authorities.

The Suicide Squad Connection

Calendar Man’s appearance in Suicide Squad 2 (2024) is not surprising, as the character has a history with the team in the comics. In the 2016 Suicide Squad series, Calendar Man is recruited by Amanda Waller to join the team on a mission to stop a group of terrorists.

The inclusion of Calendar Man in the upcoming film suggests that the Suicide Squad will be facing a new level of threat, one that requires the skills and expertise of the team’s most dangerous members.

What to Expect from Calendar Man in Suicide Squad 2 (2024)

While little is known about the plot of Suicide Squad 2 (2024), fans can expect Calendar Man to play a significant role in the film. Given the character’s history with the Suicide Squad in the comics, it’s likely that he will be one of the team’s primary adversaries.

Expect to see Calendar Man using his knowledge of dates and holidays to plan his crimes and stay one step ahead of the Suicide Squad. He may also have a personal vendetta against one or more members of the team, which could make for some intense and personal confrontations.

Question and Answer

Who is playing Calendar Man in Suicide Squad 2 (2024)?

As of now, no casting announcements have been made regarding Calendar Man in Suicide Squad 2 (2024). However, fans have speculated that actors such as Willem Dafoe or Jim Carrey could be a good fit for the role.

Will the Joker be in Suicide Squad 2 (2024)?

It’s unclear at this time whether or not the Joker will make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2 (2024). Jared Leto played the character in the first Suicide Squad film, but it’s unknown if he will reprise the role. There have also been rumors that Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker could make a cameo, but nothing has been confirmed.

Will there be any other new villains in Suicide Squad 2 (2024)?

There have been no official announcements regarding any other new villains in Suicide Squad 2 (2024). However, with the inclusion of Calendar Man, it’s possible that other lesser-known Batman villains could make an appearance in the film.


Calendar Man’s return to the big screen in Suicide Squad 2 (2024) is an exciting prospect for fans of the character and the Suicide Squad franchise. With little information known about the film’s plot and cast, it’s anyone’s guess how Calendar Man will fit into the story, but fans can expect an intense and thrilling showdown between the villain and the Suicide Squad.

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