American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar 2024

Events Calendar
Events Calendar from


The American Legion is a veterans’ organization that supports veterans and their families, as well as the local community. The American Legion Fort Myers Beach Post 274 is one of the largest posts in Florida and is known for its community involvement. One of the ways the post engages with the community is by publishing an annual calendar of events. In this article, we will discuss the American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar 2024.

What is the American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar?

The American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar is an annual publication that lists all the major events happening in the post throughout the year. It includes events such as fundraisers, meetings, community service projects, and celebrations. The calendar is distributed to all members of the post and is also available to the public.

When will the American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar 2024 be released?

The American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar 2024 will be released in December 2023. It will be available online and in print format.

What events can we expect in the American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar 2024?

The American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar 2024 will feature a range of events, including:

Fundraising Events:

The American Legion Fort Myers Beach Post 274 is known for its fundraising events. In 2024, we can expect events such as pancake breakfasts, spaghetti dinners, and fish fries.

Community Service Projects:

The American Legion Fort Myers Beach Post 274 is committed to serving the local community. In 2024, we can expect community service projects such as beach cleanups, veterans’ assistance programs, and food drives.


The American Legion Fort Myers Beach Post 274 celebrates major national and local holidays. In 2024, we can expect celebrations such as Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Christmas.

Why is the American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar important?

The American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar is important because it provides a way for the post to engage with the community. By attending events listed in the calendar, community members can show their support for veterans and their families. Additionally, the calendar is a valuable resource for members of the post, as it helps them stay informed about upcoming events.

How can I get a copy of the American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar 2024?

The American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar 2024 will be available online and in print format. Members of the post will receive a copy of the calendar in the mail. The calendar will also be available at the post and at local businesses.


The American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar 2024 is an important publication that lists all the major events happening in the post throughout the year. It is a valuable resource for members of the post and for the local community. By supporting events listed in the calendar, we can show our support for veterans and their families. Be sure to get your copy of the American Legion Fort Myers Beach Calendar 2024 in December 2023.

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